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Sunday Worship at

Collingwood Presbyterian 

 11:00 AM in person and online through Zoom



The members and friends of the historic Collingwood Presbyterian Church are excited to share an open position to lead our progressive-minded congregation.

We are a large church building with a small, but very loyal congregation in Toledo, Ohio. As we begin the work to transform our building into a community center and banquet facility, we are looking for a temporary, part-time pastor to lead us in meaningful worship, provide pastoral care, and moderate Session.

This position could be one or two people, ten to twenty hours per week, for a period of up to two years. 

Interested parties should contact collingwoodpastorsearch@gmail.com for more information

Stock the Shelves

We are accepting donations for Lutheran Social Services' annual Stock the Shelves event. Donations can be made whenever the church is open until May 17th, 2024.


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